3 Ways to Build a Stronger Franchise Sales Team

franchise sales teamA stellar franchise sales team never stops learning. And for good reason – as there’s no shortage of innovation in the franchising industry. That’s why it’s imperative that franchisors invest ample time in their sales team’s growth. After all, the more your team knows about leading strategies, the more of an advantage they have in the competitive industry landscape.

Here are 3 ways both emerging and established franchisors can build a stronger franchise sales team:

  • Start with top-notch talent. Organizing a winning sales team starts with sourcing top talent. Franchisors who excel at sales and development tend to see hiring potential in non-traditional candidates. Sure, a seasoned franchise sales person knows the ropes. However, a former executive, marketing guru, or even a former franchisee could view the sales game with new eyes. In this way, they stand to connect on a deeper level with prospects.
  • Familiarize them with operations. A franchise sales team member who possesses a thorough knowledge of both the sales and operational aspects of the business is a much more valuable resource than someone who follows a script. Aim to develop dynamic spokespeople for your brand who are able to answer prospects’ most pressing questions about your business. A sales team member who prioritizes system-wide learning also has the insight to craft more intricate sales techniques, as he or she can really hone in on what kind of prospect would succeed in your system.
  • Encourage bonding. If your team works remotely, make plenty of time for team members to commune. In addition to boosting morale, regular bonding activities strengthen the team’s dynamic while reinforcing critical aspects like accountability. A franchise sales team that celebrates together, thrives together.

Developing a strong franchise sales team is crucial to the growth and development of your brand. Franchise Dynamics offers a number of franchise sales consulting and training services to help teams maintain a competitive edge. Contact our team of consultants to learn more.

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